Proclamation Heralds Worldwide Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) Cancer Awareness Day: November 10, 2010

To raise greater awareness of neuroendocrine tumor (NET) cancers the first annual Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day is being planned for Wednesday, November 10, 2010.  In preparation for this unique day, a proclamation has been created by the World NET Community Steering Committee.  The World NET Community encourages “patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, as well as the wider community, to join with us as we work together to raise awareness about NET cancers and the need for timely diagnosis and access to optimal treatment and care.”

Representing 11 countries and 4 continents, the World NET Community Steering Committee brings together NET cancer and carcinoid support and advocacy groups from around the world.  Pictured below are the Steering Committee members.

Bottom row, left to right:

Grace Goldstein, The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF), United States

Katharina Mellar, Bundesweites Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NeT) e. V., Germany

Maryann Wahmann, Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network (CCAN), United States

Agneta H-Franzen, CARPA (The Carcinoid Patient Association), Sweden

Inge Engle, Bundesorganisation Selbsthilfe NeuroEndokrine Tumoren e. V., Germany

Maureen Coleman, Carcinoid-Neuroendocrine Tumour Society – Canada (CNETS-Canada), Canada

John Leyden, MD, The Unicorn Foundation, Australia

Evgenia Adarska, APOZ and Friends, Bulgaria

Tore Asbu, CarciNor, foreningen for personer med nevroendokrin kreft, Norway


Top row, left to right:

Jaroslaw Cwikla, MD, Stowarzyszenie Pacjentow Osob Wspierajacych Chroych na Guzy Neuroendokrynne, Poland

John Hogervorst, Stichting Doorgang, Netherlands

William Claxton, Carcinoid & Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (CNETS SG) Singapore

Robert Wahmann, Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network (CCAN), United States

Kari Brendtro, NANETS (North American NeuroEndocrine Tumor Society), United States

Maia Sissions, NET Patient Foundation: Incorporating Living with Carcinoid, United Kingdom

Catherine Bouvier, NET Patient Foundation: Incorporating Living with Carcinoid, United Kingdom

Ralitsa Bashliyska, MD, APOZ and Friends, Bulgaria


An early version of the Proclamation was signed by all who attended the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s Symposium for patients, family, friends, and healthcare professionals, “Determining Molecular Signature:  A Guide for Targeted Therapy of Neuroendocrine Tumors,” a presentation by Michael J. Demeure, MD, MBA, on his cutting-edge research, at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City in April.  Proclamations will be signed at upcoming events for carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor (NET) cancer patients worldwide.

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