14 Inspirational Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Survivor Stories

Living with a rare disease is especially challenging on many levels.  Carcinoid cancer and neuroendocrine tumor patients are acutely aware of these challenges – including getting a proper diagnosis and finding a physician who specializes in treating these cancers. These are the stories of carcinoid and NET cancer survivors who we find especially inspiring.

A transplant patient’s Christmas miracle is the title of an article in the Gainesville Times about Don Little.  Nearly 100 well-wishers were at the airport recently to welcome  Don, a  pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor survivor, as he returned home for the holidays after recovering in the hospital for nearly 9 months from a multi-organ transplant involving his stomach, pancreas, liver, and small intestine.  Read more

Don Lifftle (far right), a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor survivor, his wife Debbie and friends, Jerry and Beth lathem

Don Little (far right), pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor survivor, and his wife Debbie with friends, Jerry and Beth Lathem, last Christmas, about 3 months before undergoing multi-ogran transplant surgery

Bob Thompson (left) and his physician Dr. Joseph Tector

Bob Thompson (left) and his physician, Dr. Joseph Tector

Five years ago Bob Thompson was given a preliminary diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and was told he would probably have less than 6 months to live. Bob actually had a neuroendocrine tumor on the pancreas. Read more about the incredible multi-organ transplant operation that changed his life:  http://indy.st/u8l1e8.    Click here to learn how he was diagnosed and about the surgery his doctor recommended.

A wonderful article about hope and strength — Kelly Taylor-Li is a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor survivor in Massachusetts.  This is her 14-year journey as a cancer patient, and about living life to the fullest every day. Read more

Master Sergeant Aki Summers

Master Sergeant Aki Summers

These are stories of courageous carcinoid and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (NET) survivors who, in several cases, experienced pain and illness for many years before being correctly diagnosed. Meet Tracy, Lindsey, Aki, Carolyn, Lisa, and Kari (see her video below). They serve as inspirations to other NET cancer patients, those who are newly diagnosed and those living with these rare diseases for many years. Their stories also bring hope, an essential factor on the journey of living with cancer. Read more

Cycling 10,000 miles a year! Carcinoid patient Reine Wiley is one of five Californians who’ve been named Breakaway from Cancer champions this year.  Read more 

Reine Wiley, carcinoid cancer survivor, named a Breakaway from Cancer champion in California

Don Meyer, former record-breaking coach of the Northern State men’s basketball team, continues to be an inspiration. He learned he had carcinoid following his hospitalization due to a serious car accident. Undeterred, he returned to the sidelines “setting the new standard for coaching wins for a men’s college coach.” Now Don has embarked on a multistate tour where he speaks about leadership. Read more

Don Meyer, former Northern State mens basketball coach

Don Meyer, former Northern State men’s basketball coach

The all-time leader in coaching wins in NCAA men’s basketball history, Don talks about his retirement. Read more

Deirdre Durant, Superlung, carcinoid cancer survivor and runner with one lung!Imagine the strength, endurance, and determination it takes to run races and marathons. Now consider running with only one lung. This is an inspirational story about two lung carcinoid survivorsDeirdre Durant and Kenneth Todd. Read more

Kenneth Todd, carcinoid cancer survivor, runs marathons with one lung!

Stephanie Bennett is  a 15-year-old MEN2A survivor.  MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia) is a neuroendocrine cancer that runs in families. Stephanie’s mom, sister, aunt, and three cousins also have this rare neuroendocrine disease. Stephanie’s softball teammates have been incredibly supportive during a difficult time.  Read more

Stephanie Bennett has a rare neuroendocrine cancer, MEN2A, that runs in families

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